Tricks survey

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Bert Schreuder
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:04 pm

Tricks survey

Post by Bert Schreuder »

Hello Emmanuel,

Looking at your new trick course survey meassurement in the homologation file,
It strikes me that under the widths is Tol.Min. 6.000 and Tol. Max is 3.000. etc.

Perhaps that has to change in Tol.Min 3.000 and Tol. Max 6.000 etc.?

Kind regard,

Bert Schreuder.
Site Admin
Posts: 276
Joined: Fri May 20, 2005 8:34 am

Re: Tricks survey

Post by emmanuel »

Bert Schreuder wrote:Looking at your new trick course survey meassurement in the homologation file,
It strikes me that under the widths is Tol.Min. 6.000 and Tol. Max is 3.000. etc.

Perhaps that has to change in Tol.Min 3.000 and Tol. Max 6.000 etc.?
Ooopps ! Yes, of course.
This is done: you can download the new version.
Thanks for the tip !

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